Interview: Isac Jivhed A&R @ The Nations

In the dynamic landscape of the music industry, individuals with true passion and dedication for artists often prosper. Isac Jivhed is no exception, handling A&R for The Nations, one of the largest label brands around. In this exclusive interview, we delve into Isac's journey, insights, and experiences as he guides The Nations' sound forward. Let's dive in and hear how Isac is navigating the challenges of his role.

22 Interview Isac Jivhed AR The Nations

Interview with Isac Jivhed:

Question: What initially drew you to the music industry and working at a record label?

Isac: I’ve always been around people that either plays an instrument or produce music themselves. In my second year at high school I found myself in a major creative block, so to still benefit my career I chose to network with people all day, everyday after classes. I found that doing A&R and other creative work was the thing that I loved to do - to help artists and be their helping hand into the world of labels.

After graduation I was headhunted to work at Disco:wax in Copenhagen and after working there for 2 years, I’ve continued working at The Nations.

Question: Can you share a memorable or defining moment in your career that had a significant impact on you?

Isac: I’d say when I got headhunted to Disco:wax, when music went from a hobby to my work and passion

Question: How do you handle the pressure and demands of the music industry while maintaining your own well-being?

Isac: It's all about balance. It's really from person to person, I think it's hard as you turn your passion into your work, but balancing your private life with your work life is one of the most essential things to do in this case. It can be hard, especially when you're working with something you're passionate about. I think if you keep a good sleep and workout routine, as well as spending time with friends and family, you'll find yourself maintaining your own well-being automatically after some time.

Question: Who is an emerging artist you think people should be listening to?

Isac: Golden Lambo

Question: Which album or song best describes your life?

Isac: Logic - 'Ballin

Question: Is there a specific piece of advice you'd give yourself back when you first started in the industry?

Isac: Send that email, add that person on LinkedIn, just do it. It all just opens new doors. You’ll not regret it!

Question: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received in your career?

Isac: Network and help others.

I’ve been blessed to be raised by a very loving family, and through that I’ve learnt how important it is to take care of people around you. That of course both being family or business related relations. And through networking you can really get a giant advantage in the business you’re in by having the right contacts at the right places. That’s how I’ve gotten all my jobs.

Question: What is one thing about the music industry that surprised you when you first started?

Isac: One of the things that surprised me the most when entering the music industry is how it has moved into a more and more of a community where everybody can talk to everybody. You can now as a up and coming artist collaborate with the biggest artists and labels, just through good networking! LabelRadar is also a great part of making this part of the industry moving forward, getting artists to work with some of the biggest names in the music industry.

Question: Can you share a mentor or role model who has had a significant influence on your career?

Isac: Morten Vilhelm, the founder and creative director of Disco:wax. And Andre Benz, founder of The Nations. They have taught me a lot of valuable things, as well as always supporting creative ideas.

Question: How important is an artist's image and branding in today's music industry?

Isac: Super important - I’d say if the music and branding fits, that also lifts the track. Overall artist branding is just getting more and more important as you have to stand out in the crowd.

Question: What do you think is the biggest misconception artists have about the role of record labels today?

Isac: At least from my experience, that labels if we reject a track or EP, that we don’t like the music. But there are so many factors that goes into signing music. If we can push it, if it’s a genre that does well right now, etc.

Question: How hard/easy is it to get signed these days?

Isac: Getting signed just gets easier and easier, with services like LabelRadar. Of course the standard of the tracks we bring in to the label stays, but it’s easier to get in contact.

Question: Which artists have you signed from LabelRadar?

Isac: They are yet to be released. We’re very excited to share!

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