Pat Lok & Kiinjo Team Up For an Unforgettable Afro House Groove on 'Circles'
Nothing but Afro House perfection

Now - let me start with this sentence - I love afro house. Whether it be produced by a white guy in Hamburg or an African guy in Namibia.....if it's done right, I'm always going to have a soft spot for it...especially if they nail the percussion...i'm a sucker for the percussion.
However.......let me qualify the above the following statement.....sometimes...i find it a little boring....even when beautifully crafted.....sometimes i just want shall we say....more bounce to the ounce.....more boom to the beat....more bump to the bam...
Which brings me to PAT LOK and KIINJO - a couple of LA based Canadians who have both made a name for themselves for their funk injected form of house with the pump and the funk.......and so when I heard their tune CIRCLES....i was like...this is's afro house vocals but with all that bounce that afro house tunes can sometimes leave aside for the moody synths and chords....
And while we down with that.....we way more down with what da boys have done.
Just be careful. Hands will go up.
Much love
Team Sweat