Filling the Void: Yolanda Be Cool & Tony Romera’s Latest Collaboration

Exploring Space, Time, and Volume with a Dancefloor-Filling Anthem

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Size does matter.

Think about it....

Almost everything you do takes size into consideration.... The clothes you wear, the coffee you order, the amount of food you eat, the time you spend on different tasks, how high you fill your glass of water etc etc etc.

And did you know that size is measured by a concept called dimensions? If you speak to a physicist or a mathematician, they will tell you that dimensions are measured by concepts called time and space.

Time is the sequence of existence in which actions, processes and conditions continue without ending, and space is an area which is free, available and unoccupied.

Which brings me to Yolanda Be Cool....

Not content with taking a day off, the YBC boys hot off their collab with the legends ALEXANDER SOM and PIERO PIRUPA that dropped on CLAPTONE's GOLDEN label.... have decided to throw their weight around and bring on French house legend TONY ROMERA for a tune that... well.... will fill all empty spaces with a concept called VOLUME* (AKA the space occupied within the boundaries of any three-dimensional solid).

The vedas (AKA the oldest texts that predate Hinduism) say that time is eternal, and space is infinity, but one thing is fa sure.... no dancefloor space will be empty with this one on.

And we down wit dat.

Much love,

Team Sweat

*Speaking of volume.... make sure u turn it up on this one :)

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